LTCA Updates

LTCA Meeting with Highways England – September 2017

Members of the LTCA Steering Committee (including Adam Holloway, Bryan Sweetland, Leslie Hills, Robin Theobald, and parish councillors) met with representatives of Highways England today, 8th September 2017, to discuss progress with the Lower Thames Crossing.

Highways England stated that they have taken on board the main feedback from other meetings, such as the location of the tunnel portals, the A226 junction, the redesign of the A2 junction, and mitigation measures, but disappointingly they were unable to share any revised proposals with us. We were confronted with the same old 2015 map. We expressed our disappointment with this. Highways England said they hope to be able to share their latest design proposals with us in late 2017 or early 2018.

We also asked them to provide information regarding updated traffic forecasts to us, in particular the forecasts for the A226, A227, A228, and associated local infrastructure.

We also requested information regarding proposals to improve traffic flows at Dartford, since it is not in our interests to have traffic diverting from Dartford as a result of ongoing delays and congestion.

LTCA will continue to meet with Highways England to try to influence the designs, but there is little point in having another meeting until such time as they have something substantial to share with

Highways England presentation slide pack

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”LTCA update presentation – Highways England – 08 September 2017″]